
Up a Creek to Find Your Paddle: Leading Your Organization Amid Uncertainty

By Stephanie Arteaga posted 02-21-2024 15:09


2023 Mid-Year Meeting CE Session
Stop. Think. Plan.

If you find yourself up a creek, you couldn’t have better guides than the NAB volunteers that delivered the CE session on emergency preparedness during NAB’s Mid-Year Meeting in October.

Jody DePriest, Katrina Magdon, and Jeffrey Markulik presented on the importance of readiness using their real life scenarios, as well as recommended resources.

Jody shared about his personal experiences with Hurricane Katrina and how acting in emergency situations can set the tone for what kind of leader you are. Above all, it’s important to act quickly by maintaining a calm presence and working hard to keep afloat.

The panelists mentioned how being an agile leader is important—be flexible and willing to quickly change with guidance from higher authorities.

Jeffrey discussed when he was previously faced with a huge storm, causing hundreds of assisted facilities to evacuate, that having a fluid plan—built with robust resources—was key.

Don’t just rely on one paddle. Katrina mentioned that having the NAB network and connections can pay off big. The network is there to help brainstorm and strategize.

Jody discussed the importance of a hazard assessment tool and encouraged all to fill out their own. This tool helps identify threats and hazards, how they can affect the facility/community, resources available to help lessen the affect of the hazard, as well as collaboration tools and back up systems. Mock scenarios should involve all levels of organization. Be sure to practice the worst-case scenarios and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.

As you evaluate your plans and begin shaping the future, keep in mind that “Communication is the key to all successful outcomes."


