NAB Chair-Elect Candidate: Eric Hadley
Candidate Statement:
Our boards and our profession are facing momentous change. While this change presents challenges for NAB member organizations, member boards and licensees, it also presents opportunities. Now, more than ever before, our challenges give rise to our opportunities and call for action. Those in which the NAB has an opportunity to serve are expanding beyond traditional nursing home and assisted living settings. While all of this is exciting for our profession, it is challenging for our member boards. The NAB is an association of boards and it is crucial that we keep the purpose and work of our boards in our focus.
Our member boards are increasingly challenged in their mandates and efforts. There is a wave of eliminating professional licensing sweeping across the country. State boards are facing everything from sun-setting to consolidation into other board settings and, even, movement to other agencies. While we keep our vision on programs like the HSE and common standard setting for licensing, we must not overlook the significance of state board support. Fully supporting our boards with common standard setting; exams; scoring transfers; certification education; continuing education; and governance and rulemaking support is at the core of our purpose. While we push forward, together, into new and exciting endeavors, we must continue to keep state board support at the core of our existence.
We are amid an exciting time, full of challenge and opportunity. As the leader of a senior services organization, I look forward to continuing to use many of the same skills to serve the NAB, its members, volunteers, committee members and leadership.
I am honored by this nomination to Chair-Elect and look forward to contributing to the future of the NAB and all those we serve.
NAB Secretary Candidate: Denise Boudreau
Candidate Statement:
Hello, NAB family! In this race for Secretary, it seems I’m competing with an incredibly tough opponent – nobody else! While it's a close race between me and the sound of crickets, I promise to bring more to the table than just filling a seat.
Why secretary, you ask? Simple. I’m passionate about supporting quality leaders in long-term care. I’ve seen firsthand how vital NAB’s mission is from my six years on the NAB Executive Committee and my involvement as Chair of the Member Relations Committee as well as a member of both the LNHA and RCAL exam writing committees,
I've been in the role of almost every stakeholder that NAB serves: a licensed professional, CE provider and state representative. I currently hold a LNHA license in NJ and served as an administrator for 17 years before starting my business, Drive, 12 years ago where I now am a provider of CE's. I also currently serve on the NJ Licensing Board. The only stakeholder group I haven't been part of is academia although I have served three terms as a lecturer/Executive in Residence for Cornell University and serve on advisory boards at both of my alma maters, University of Scranton and Cornell.
I’m the cheerleader for bringing our NAB community closer, whether through our marketing efforts or our now-infamous costume events (apologies to the costume-averse!) Our collective efforts to bring all of us closer together represents what makes NAB great: a strong, supportive community dedicated to advancing excellence in long-term care leadership.
I am honored to have the opportunity to run for Secretary and would be deeply grateful for your support. Let's work together to keep pushing NAB forward, making it an even stronger advocate for quality leadership in our field.
NAB Treasurer Candidate: Deb Veley
Candidate Statement:
I am Deb Veley, the state board executive director from Ohio, and I am running for the office of Treasurer. I consider it a great honor to be considered for this office. Making a difference is very important to me. Over the years, I have been able to serve NAB in many roles, most recently as Secretary, and also as a Credentialing Commission member and Secretary of the Commission, an NCERS program reviewer, a NAB Foundation Board trustee, and a past Chair of the Continuing Education Committee as well as member of the Executive Committee. I am also a standing Committee member of the Member Relations and Outreach Committee and have served as the State Executive forum facilitator in the past. As you can see, when I am part of an organization, I enjoy getting involved and serving the organization wherever I can make a difference.
Outside of NAB service, I am on the advisory Board of a NAB-accredited University, and am a licensed nursing home administrator, a licensed independent social worker, a health services executive, a certified executive in assisted living, and a certified dementia practitioner.
During my career, I researched and wrote several grants, one of which was for a no-interest loan to turn my nursing home into a “no-lift” facility. These were large projects and required a great deal of research, writing, presentation skills, and the ability to work with others to accomplish goals. The projects also required significant financial and budgetary analysis to ensure the organization could support the program.
As the state board executive for Ohio, I am required to have good attention to detail, the ability to read and interpret legislation and rules, and the ability to manage and maintain a budget consisting entirely of fee income. This often requires adjustments, course corrections, and difficult decisions to be made as necessary. I must also have the ability to relate well to others, good oral and written communication skills, presentation skills, and the ability to represent the Board well at public functions and speaking engagements. I would apply these same characteristics in my role as Treasurer.
In my current role as Secretary and member of the Executive Committee, I have grown in my understanding of the strategic plan and how that plan and the NAB budget are closely linked.
If I am elected Treasurer, I will work diligently for you and for NAB to assist in meeting the strategic plan goals. I will collaborate with the great leadership team we have to assist in preparing and monitoring the budget and adjusting as necessary to manage funds in a responsible manner.
In closing, I would love to have the opportunity to serve as your Treasurer, and I respectfully ask for your vote. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.